Things that I Know

Making sense of the world one thing at a time.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Concerning: Eggs

Eggs = a white, ovoid object that in many ways resembles "the ball" used in the game of ping pong, although were an egg to be used to play the game ping-pong, the results would be messy and colorful. Furthermore, since the computer simulation of ping pong rarely if ever represented "the ball" in the shape of an egg, it is unlikely that there is more than a coincidental connection between an egg and the game of ping-pong. Beyond the realm of ping-pong, eggs have many uses ranging from throwing, to juggling, to balancing on the tip of long, narrow objects while spinning them, all of which leads to the act of subjecting the egg to high temperatures until its molecular consistancy achieves a state called "cooked," and a cooked egg is then ultimately subjected to the acts of consumption, digestion, and excretion. Most importantly, although Mexican chihuahuas do not lay eggs, eggs have been laid in Chihuahua, Mexico, suggesting that chihuahuas can be thrown, juggled, spun on the end of oblong objects, to be ultimately "cooked" and consumed.


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