Concerning: Vermin
Vermin = any of a number of small quadropedal mammals with elongated snouts, whiskers, and who often dwell in sewers, trash cans, basements, cargo ships, and other cool dry places with a high likelyhood of food being left unattended. Generally considered to spread filth and disease. Not to be confused with a mouse or mice. A mouse is a thing that controls the pointer on a computer screen, and mice are the most intelligent creatures on the planet (according to Douglas Adams). Also not to be confused with a chihuahua. Identifying the chihuahua with a rat is a common misconsception. Though no known association between vermin and the game of ping pong or its computer simulation exists, vermin are have in the past displayed a significant likeing for eggs, stealing eggs from other animals while living in the wild. Please note again, that though the computer simulation of ping pong may employ a mouse in its execution, a mouse is not the same thing as vermin. Enrique Esteban Valendez remembers seeing vermin in the streets in Chihuahua, Mexico as a child, occasionally in his house, and used to have nightmares about waking up with a big verminous rat on his chest staring in his face with breath like cheese. A man named Gus in Houston exterminates vermin for a living. He is good at his job and quite happy despite the fact that he is divorced.
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