Concerning: Weinerus mobilus*

Weinerus Mobilus = On the right, as you can see is a rare sighting of the majestic Weinerus Mobilus in it's natural habitat. Notice the how the bright orange and red plummage leaps out against its gray urban habitat. Experts in the Oscar Meyer branch of zoology have speculated that the poor camoflage of weinerus mobilus is largely responsible for its rarity as a species, compounded by the rampant poaching of its offspring in grocery store meat aisles. The days might still return where one only need look out their window and spot the beauty and the symbolic symoblism or the weinerus mobilus in every street and driveway, were its pups are no longer boiled as hot dogs by the dozen at barbeques and picnics, and where once and for all it is determined from which species(es) of animal its lushious meat has evolved from.
* Reprinted from - this is one of the few instances where an entry simply belonged under both.
*whew* I was worried I was going to have to comment again, but it's just a reprint. So everything's cool.
It's funny that you didn't fix the typos when you reprinted it on another blog. That's real ultimate moxie. Wha? What did that phrase mean? I think it meant it's time for bed.
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