Things that I Know

Making sense of the world one thing at a time.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Concerning: Octobers

October = a month of the year in which I have noticed that posts do not occur on this blog. Though the specific reasons for the lack of further understanding of the world are unclear, they likely include changing weather, the widespread presence of pumpkins, and a dramatic increase in the usage of the color orange across the world. Though there is no direct cause and effect relationship between these factors and the postage of blogs, it can be argued that anybody who looks for correlations between the color orange, weather, and the presence of pumpkins and writing habits is a stupid fool whose physical being should be replaced in our universe with the innards scooped out to carve jack-o-lanterns. Lastly, October is also the only month of the year to contain 63 days, 9 day weeks, and an undocumented increase in the usage of the letters z, x, and q in every day speech.

Concerning: Telephones

Telephone = a big wooden box with a thing that looks like a horn sticking from it's center. Not to be confused with the coffin of Louis Armstrong, the common household telephone, as unclearly depicted to the right, contains two bell-like eyes that survey the room with a cold and annoying musicality. Prone to ring at any moment, the mating call of the domesticated telephone is most likely to be heard during the two or three minutes that you decide it is necessary to answer the other call of the wild.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Concerning: Artichoke Hearts

Artichoke Hearts = as depicted on the left, a disturbing layering of leaves that looks like a genetic crossbread between a jellyfish and a coral bed. From this perhaps we can speculate that sometime, millions of years ago, jellyfish and coral emerged from the say amid the frogs and lung fish, found a nice quiet spot in the shade, and made sweet love to the roars of the first, small dinosaurs. Out of their coupling sprang the artichoke. Within the artichoke is the fabled heart, that sweet beating vegetable meat that represents the unlikely love between a jellyfish and a coral pollyp. Such beautiful mysteries in nature - a shame that we are just now beginning to truly understand them.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Concerning: Egg Sacks

egg sacks = things you carry around eggs in. The most reliable source for finding an egg sac is in Kroger or any other major grocery retailer. Usually, the sacks are kept somewhere near the front although alternate sacks are generally available in the produce section. Furthermore, you have the option of bringing in your own sack, though it is important to bear in mind that any sack is simply not an egg sack unless it is used exclusively for the transport of eggs. As a result, you may want to chose carefully when deciding which sack would be the best sack for you unless you have a sufficient supply of sacks available at home or on hand with which to indescriminately dedicate any number of sacks to the sole purpose of carrying eggs. For further information, see concerning = eggs.