Things that I Know

Making sense of the world one thing at a time.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Concerning: Postwar Economics

Postwar economics = what happens to an economy after a war. Some wars cause positive economic growth due to the available means of production facilities. Others might decline because of the swelling in the work force caused by returning soldiers or a massive decline in the work force caused by asses getting kicked. If I were postwar economics, I would tell the former enemy to go shove it. My gross national product would be better than theirs regardless of whether or not it was higher or lower.

Concerning: Albania

Albania = A country somewhere in Europe. You can find it on many maps. People live in it. There are likely several cities, a system of government. There may be a national currency, but perhaps the Euro has replaced it. If I were to draw what I thought Albania looked like, I would likely draw something akin to an ameoba. This is not to slight Albania, Albanians, or what I am sure is a proud national history. I could be going out on a limb here, but I also suspect that some Albanians might ride on trains from time to time. You never know. I sure don't, but I know that I don't. Did you?

Concerning: Placebos

Placebo = a thing which is not something but we think is that thing. Many people might think that a toupee is an example of a placebo, but in truth, only good toupees are placebo. Similarly, many people think that a chihuahua is a placebo for a dog. Unfortunately, do to it's genetic make-up a chihuahua is in fact a dog, and therefore it is not a placebo. A duck dressed like a dog would not be a placebo either, but that is for reasons that I cannot get into here. However, if people were to eat ping-pong balls, such meals would be much akin to a placebo for eggs, although pong is not a placebo for ping pong.